Monday, July 14, 2014

Schools out at Red Engine and here are my 2 final pieces ( Luke Berliner and Jung park helped me a great deal this semester and i can thank them enough). The first one is a expedition to an alien planet. The second one i made because i always wanted to do scifi aircraft carriers/vehicles. It's not there yet but I'll get there one day. 

 A color comp. I had an idea about a person who was on a journey around the world with his companion animal
More color composition inspired by "THATS XCOM BABY!"...and mirrors edge

Monday, July 7, 2014

Wrong Number

A sketch i did a while back when i saw the trailer for Hotline miami 2: Wrong number.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Some concepts

A concept for my redesign of the fps classic Perfect Dark

15th century version of Highlander

I'm mainly inspired by military future soldiers so figured i would use modern gear with a sci-fi twist in the helmet